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Donor Stories

Murray State Nursing Alumni Plan to Support Academic Excellence Through Faculty Support

Nursing students

Accomplished alumni Bill and Barbara Wilder give back to Murray State in honor of Dr. Ruth Cole, an inspiring teacher and mentor. More

A Beloved Coach is Remembered With a Scholarship

Cal Luther

The late Cal Luther, a legendary Murray State men’s basketball coach, loved the university. One of the ways his passion for Murray State lives is on is through the Cal Luther Scholarship, established by his wife, Linda Luther, with a planned gift. More

Years After a Tragedy, a Sister Finds a Way to Make a Difference

Exterior of Murray State building

After decades of living with the pain of losing her brother at a young age, the late Lyndall Ruth Furlong created a memorial scholarship fund that will help others achieve their dreams. More

Former Murray State Employee Shows Gratitude by Helping Others

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An anonymous donor who spent three decades at Murray State has created a scholarship fund to help female students access the life-improving power of education for decades to come. More

Lifelong Giving Leads to a Legacy of Student Support

Jerry Swayne Patey

Dr. Patey’s legacy of continuing to support students in biology and chemistry through his estate gift will have immeasurable and permanent impact. More

ATA CPAs + Advisors Establish New Diversity in Accounting Scholarship

ATA CPAs + Advisors

A generous gift provides financial assistance for students pursuing an education in the field of accounting at Murray State for years to come. More

Couple’s Gift Supports Murray State University Foundation Libraries and Students

Ron and Ann Churchill

Because of Ron and Ann’s thoughtful planning, the Churchill Family Fund for Excellence recently received an additional gift through the remainder of a charitable gift annuity they initiated in 2008. More

Scholarship Supporting Science Students Honors Trailblazing Female Biologist

Dr. Beulah Mae Ashbrook

A trust gift honoring biologist and Murray alumna Dr. Beulah Mae Ashbrook aims to support biology or medical science students. Discover how you can leave a legacy and create a scholarship through your estate plan. More

Former Student-Athlete Leaves Legacy Gift for MSU Tennis Program

William Henry Baughman Jr.

Dr. William Henry Baughman Jr.’s passion for tennis will live on with a gift in his will benefiting future Racers chasing their dreams on the court. More

Former Nursing Student Creates a Lasting Legacy at Murray State

Jessie Munday Jackson

Jessie Munday Jackson was among the first class of students to graduate from the nursing program at Murray State University. Find out how she used her estate plan to create a legacy of support for future nursing students. More

The Madolyn Crysler Art, Nursing & Science Scholarship Established Through Bequest

Madolyn Crysler

The Madolyn Crysler Art, Nursing & Science Scholarship was recently established through a generous estate gift to Murray State University Foundation by Madolyn (Lyn) Crysler. Awards from this fund shall be given to full-time junior and senior students at Murray State University majoring in art, nursing, biology or chemistry. More

Why My Gift Is Important and What Murray State University Means to Me

Melody Weiler

Melody M. Weiler’s tenure at Murray State University was filled with meaningful memories of faculty and students working together toward success. Here, she shares how she plans to help the next generation succeed. More

Seney Leaves Estate Gift

Doris Jean Wood Seney

Doris Seney combined her love of biology and research to establish a long and successful career. After years of regular gifts to Murray State University, she’s made a generous gift in her estate plan to support future biology students. More

How a Little Time Spent Planning Impacts Students for Generations to Come

Robert McGaughey

Robert "Doc" Howe McGaughey, III, celebrated his journey with Murray State, first as a student in the 1960s, and later, as chairman of the journalism department. His legacy gift ensures his life's work supports the educational dreams of future journalism students. More

Family Utilizes Estate to Establish Scholarship in Memory of Their Parents

Kenneth and Othelia Wilkes

Kenneth and Othelia Wilkes worked hard to provide for their family and Kenneth's education. A gift to Murray State in Kenneth's honor will support future students who struggle to afford college. More

Gift of Life Insurance to Benefit the MSU Track Program

John Marshall Gage

Longtime Murray State University donor and track legend John Marshall Gage's legacy will live on thanks to his gift. More

All in the Name of Education: A Loving Life Inspires a Living Legacy

Group photo

Murray State University graduates, Don and Carolyn Sparks dedicated their lives to education. Don's gift will support students today and tomorrow, while also honoring Carolyn's memory. More

Creating a Legacy

Randy Lee

Rick McDonald was reading the Lyon County, Kentucky, local paper one day from his home near Dallas, Texas, when a story about a new scholarship established at Murray State University inspired him to leave a legacy for his family. More

Major Legacy Gift to Benefit MSU Students

Bill and Louise Hatley

A gift from the Bill and Louise Hatley Estate represents one of the largest single scholarship endowment gifts ever for the benefit of Murray State University students. Early this fall, the Murray State University Foundation received the first $1 million of a gift estimated to be worth nearly $3 million. The estate will establish an endowment for student scholarships in engineering technology and technical education programs. More

Judge Jimmy Don Robinson Donates 534-Acre Farm to the Murray State University Foundation

Jimmy Don Robinson

Longtime district judge, attorney and farmer Jimmy Don Robinson donated his 534‑acre farm and two homes in Ballard County, known as Eagle Rest Plantation, to the Murray State University Foundation, Inc. His gift will benefit the Hutson School of Agriculture, students, faculty, staff, and regional and state agricultural initiatives. More