Major Legacy Gift to Benefit MSU Students

Bill and Louise Hatley
A gift from the Bill and Louise Hatley Estate represents one of the largest single scholarship endowment gifts ever for the benefit of Murray State University students. Early this fall, the Murray State University Foundation received the first $1 million of a gift estimated to be worth nearly $3 million. The estate will establish an endowment for student scholarships in engineering technology and technical education programs.
Bill Hatley was a 1948 graduate of Wheatcroft High School, and he earned his bachelor's degree in industrial education and an administrator certificate from Murray State University. He also earned a vocational certificate from the University of Kentucky.
Bill worked in vocational and technical education for his entire career and retired after 41 years of service. He was named Hopkins County Educator of the Year in 1987. In addition, the Madisonville Health Technology Center's Hatley Building is named for him. He passed away in 2009.
Louise Hatley was a customer service representative at West Kentucky Bank for 30 years. Both Louise and Bill were active members of White Oak General Baptist Church. Louise passed away in 2017.
The Hatleys were caring and giving individuals who provided support for many causes and organizations, including this major gift to establish the Bill and Louise Hatley Endowed Scholarship with the Murray State University Foundation.
"I had the good fortune of knowing and working with Bill and Louise Hatley," says Dr. Bob Jackson, interim president of Murray State University. "They were wonderful and generous people and were lifelong supporters of public education, including Murray State University."
Dr. Jackson adds, "With this gift, Bill and Louise ha ve established a wonderful legacy that wil l benefit students in perpetuity."
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