How a Little Time Spent Planning Impacts Students for Generations to Come

Robert "Doc" Howe McGaughey III
Robert "Doc" Howe McGaughey III arrived on Murray State's campus in the fall of 1961 as an undergraduate student. He earned a bachelor of arts in history and a master of arts in journalism at Murray State before receiving his doctorate at Ohio University. Doc returned to Murray State as a member of the journalism faculty and spent 23 years as the chairman of the department.
During his service to Murray State University, he held every faculty rank available, including College Head of Elizabeth Residential College. Doc passed away in June 2019. He was awarded the Murray State University Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumni Award—the organization's highest honor—posthumously in 2020.
Many years ago, Doc spent a few hours over a couple of months planning how he would continue his life's work through a legacy gift to support the educational dreams of future journalism students at Murray State. This new gift will be funded through his estate plan and would be in addition to the endowed scholarship fund he had already established with the Murray State Foundation.
"Doc McGaughey's generous gift to the journalism and mass communications department will be the foundation of our Fund for Excellence, which will make the department financially secure today and into the future. It's the alumni and professors emeritus, such as Bob McGaughey, who help make Murray State University a special place to study and work," said Dr. Allen White, chair of the department of journalism and mass communications.
Legacy, or planned, gifts are exactly that—they are thoughtful and impactful as well as financially sound and personally fulfilling. Through planned giving, Doc transitioned his life's work into philanthropy, and his impact will be felt for generations to come.
Discover how, like Doc, you can create a legacy that benefits you and your loved ones, as well as future Murray State students. Please contact Dr. David Durr, CFA, CFP® at 270-809-6912 or to learn more.
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