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Gift of Life Insurance to Benefit the MSU Track Program

John Marshall GageMSU said "goodbye" to a track legend and a great friend, Mr. John Marshall Gage, on July 26, 2019.

A very talented high school athlete, Marshall received a track scholarship to Murray State University and excelled in the high hurdles, low hurdles and 100-yard dash. In 1958, Marshall won three running events in the OVC Championship. He is still the only person in OVC history to have ever accomplished that feat.

Athletics and academics were not his only college successes. Marshall met the love of his life, Sonja Cinnamon, of Sommerset, Kentucky, in 1959. They married in August 1960 and spent the next 59 years together.

Marshall had a successful career at the B.B. Kirkbride Bible Co., Inc. Over the years he served in many executive roles and concluded his business career as Chair of the Board of Directors.

In 1967, he was an initial track inductee into the Murray State Athletic Hall of Fame. Murray State named the new Stewart Stadium Track, Marshall Gage Track in 1996.

John Marshall Gage running trackMarshall was generous to Murray State University throughout his life. He was a tireless and enthusiastic volunteer. In 1986, he became a Trustee of the Murray State University Foundation. He served in that capacity until his death making him the longest serving Trustee in the history of the MSU Foundation.

Marshall's giving spirit will continue. A life insurance policy gifted by Mr. Marshall to the MSU Foundation ensures that Murray State University student athletes will benefit from the generosity and wisdom of this great man forever.

John Marshall Gage, a great Racer!

You can have a lasting impact at MSU through a planned gift as well. To learn more about your options, contact Dr. David Durr, CFA, CFP® at 270-809-6912 or